Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Topic of the Month for February Meeting

From Geocaching.com. Photo not credited.

The Topic of the Month for the February meeting is the gazebo at Pettibone Park. I find myself wondering why this undeniably attactive-- and very popular-- architectural artifact was selected and I am tempted to complain about the choice except that if I do, I'd just be talking to myself. Actually, I think that this is a good choice in that it presents a very distinct and not uncommonly encountered challenge for photographers: how does one make an interesting image of something that has been the subject a gazillian photographs and is, for all intents and purposes, a dreadfully overdone cliche. What is being asked is whether some creativity can be applied to photographing the gazebo, to bring some new insight into making a visual representation of what is an all to familiar but nonetheless compelling subject.

I visited Pettibone Park last evening at sunset, thinking that the gazebo would be particularly photogenic with all of the fresh snow cover and warm light. There was moderately good light on the river and the buildings on the La Crosse side but the gazebo was densely shaded. Wanting to be a virtuous member of the WWIG who will go to any length to "get the shot", I got up at 5:30 this morning so that I would have plenty of time to get to Pettibone well before sunrise. When I opened the front door to let the dog out and was smacked by a blast of subzero air-- 13.2 degrees below zero, in fact-- I realized that my dedication to the Topic of the Month has distinct limitations. Well... another time perhaps.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what members of our group do with this difficult challenge.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Upcoming WWIG Activities

It is hoped that you all remember that the WWIG is in hibernation during the holiday season. There was no meeting in December and there won't be one in January. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday February 3, 2011. I am going to be doing quite a bit of travelling during 2011 and will almost certainly be gone on more than one meeting day (the 1st Wednesday of each month, excluding December and January). I hope that other members will volunteer to host meetings in my absence. If that doesn't happen, we will simply meet when we can and try to make the less frequent meetings more intense and exciting to compensate.

At the last meeting I proposed that during our 2 month holiday hiatus I could  give a couple of tutorials on digital techniques if any members have an interest in doing so. Jim Taylor kindly offered to co-host the sessions. I suggested that the topics could be selected by those attending, as long as Jim or I know enough about them to do a credible job. Roger Grant recommended that I go over some of the Photoshop plugins that I have been using (you have seen some of the results at recent meetings) and I would be pleased to do so. If any of you are interested please call or e-mail me (788-1812; bannis4@centurytel.net). I'll get back to you to discuss time and topics.

More tomorrow.

The WWIG Blog Is Up and Running Again

Maestro... a drum roll please! After several weeks of silence The WWIG Blog has resumed (for a while).

Let's just get right to it. The  items are going to be more or less random this evening but I plan to do more posting over the next several days and hope that by the time I'm done just about everything that needs to be covered will be in this and the next several posts.

First and foremost, Janet Rosseter's absolutely fantastic photograph is going to be used for The WWIG Blog masthead until our next meeting. If the canoes were the color of mud, this would be and excellent image; but because of the color the photo is something truly special. The fog, the reflection, the barely perceptible trees on the right, that there are 2 canoes rather than 1, and the yellow buoy all add to what make this a perfect image.

Here is another example of something similar. On the Lake Superior Circle Tour our group spent a good deal of time at a secluded and very photogenic beach at sunrise. The beach was adjacent to a cluster of dwellings and community buildings belonging to a small band of Canadian Indians and they have put a table in a very good viewing spot. Most of us ignored the table and photographed the sunrise, waves, and a small island which seemed to be the appropriate subject. A couple of members of our group, however, realized that the bright and unusually colored table had the potential for turning this fairly mundane scene into an unexpectedly interesting photograph.

Michael Jordan, Duluth MN

Carol Madison, Minneapolis MN

Thursday, November 4, 2010

In Shades of Gray

I had the somewhat daunting honor to jury the In Shades of Gray exhibition currently in the Kader Room of the Pump House Regional Arts Center.  It is an open media exhibition including two beautiful photographs by WWIG member Jennifer Bucheit.  Here is information from the Pump House website:

November 4, 2010 - December 23, 2010

In Shades of Gray

Kader Room
Reception:  November 6, 2010 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
“In Shades of Gray” explores the use of monochromatic, “black and white” in art. By eliminating the use of color, artists must address the other elements in their work and thus be challenged to look at their process ina new light.

Please check it out when you are in downtown La Crosse.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WWIG November Meeting ~ Program

Welcome to the November 2010 Meeting of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group. Here is tonight's program.


  • John Zoerb will speak about the benefits of Photo Competitions. After his talk there will be a forum about this complex and sometimes contentious topic. All members are encouraged to participate in the discussion and to express their views candidly. 
  • If time permits Byron Annis will briefly present an "invention" which can be helpful to the problem encountered by those using digital SLR camera's who have presbyopia (virtually everyone who is in or past their 40s).

  • There will be no scheduled meeting in December or January. However, alternative activities are being considered and will be briefly discussed tonight. If there is sufficient interest we might offer Photoshop tutorials in December and January.
  • I am hoping to arrange for an extended talk by John Gregor of Two Harbors MN who, while not a household name, is an outstanding nature photographer and teacher of both Photography and Digital Imaging.

  • The Topic of the Month for February will be the gazebo at Pettibone Park. I know what you're thinking, but sometimes it is necessary to swallow bitter pills. 
  • I plan to do some picture taking in bars that feature the kind of music I like, bluegrass, country, biker and the like and I would enjoy having company. If anyone is interested let me know. 
  • New members.

  • Roger Grant wants advice about printer nozzle clogging.
  • Byron Annis has these questions:
Currently I print all of my images on Epson Premium Luster Paper. What are the advantages of using matt paper, especially for B&W images and what specific papers would the experts-- and you know who you are-- recommend? 
Recently I opened the extended Brushes Panel in Photoshop CS5. I had trouble locating the brushes I had wanted to use and, even more vexing, had lots of difficulty returning to the default panel. Can anyone give a brief summary of how to negotiate the brushes panel where there seems to be an almost endless variety of options? 
Are there any aftermarket products available which protect the camera's LCD screen from damage?  


Image Submissions

My wheedling and grovelling seems to have paid off. Several of you have submitted images. Thanks. I suspect that most of the people who are going to send photos have already done so, but just in case there is anyone reading this who hasn't here is a reminder/request. I previously suggested a format for naming the submissions but it is obvious that using it is not going to be popular. However, at a minimum, please do include YOUR NAME.

I will be posting the program for tonight's meeting in a short while. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Message from Bob Hurt

Bob serves on the Sewer Comission for his community which unfortunately meets on Wednesday evenings so he isn't able to attend out meetings for now. He did send some images and invited us to view them at the upcoming meeting and I plan to do so. They're terrific. Bob is still trying give away an Epson large format printer. This could be a very good deal for someone.
    I still have my Epson 7600 printer available (up to 24" wide prints) . As I mentioned before, I'm willing to give it away (free) if I could collect something for the ink and paper supplies. I think I have about $300 in supplies but would take $100. It appears that the motherboard needs to be replaced and "possibly" the network card. The testing we performed did not indicate any problem with the network card, but until the motherboard is replaced, the network card can't be tested. However, the network card is only needed if it is used as a network printer. Otherwise, the printer uses an USB 2 connection directly to the computer. The motherboard cost is $375 and the network card (if needed) is $299. If someone was willing to do the work themselves and didn't need the network card, the total cost could be as low as $375 plus the $100 for the supplies. The printer cost $3000 plus a few hundred for the stand. This is the printer I have used for all my large fine art photographic prints including 85 at Mayo Clinic.    Bob.

Contact Bob directly if you have any interest.

November 3rd Meeting

Once again, a plea for members to submit digital images or bring prints to share at the meeting. If you can't remember how to e-mail images please see the WWI Blog entry of September 30, 2010 for directions-- it is really very easy and please bear in mind participation and not perfection is the goal. The Topic of the Month, once again, is GESTURE (broadly interpreted).

The new feature for this meeting and for future meetings is Ask the Experts: I can only speak for myself, but every time I pick up a camera, open Photoshop or shop for photo gear I have questions most of which I can't get answered with the resources I have readily available at home and I suspect that others in our group have had similar experiences. There is a wealth of expertise in our group which begs to be utilized, and our monthly meetings may be best forum for seeking advise (limited to photography, of course; try Ann Landers for personal issues).  To make this work well, it is suggested that members who have queries submit them by posting to this blog so that the experts have an opportunity to contemplate their answers before the actual meeting.

To get the ball rolling here are a some of the questions I have:
  • Currently I print all of my images on Epson Premium Luster Paper. What are the advantages of using matt paper, especially for B&W images and what specific papers would the experts--  and you know who you are-- recommend?
  • Recently I opened the extended Brushes Panel in Photoshop CS5. I had trouble locating the brushes I had wanted to use and, even more vexing, had lots of difficulty returning to the default panel. Can anyone give a brief summary of how to negotiate the brushes panel where there seems to be an almost endless variety of options?
  • Are there any aftermarket products available which protect the camera's LCD screen from damage?

This is all for now. More to follow today and tomorrow.

Interesting Textured Image

Forgotten place
Originally uploaded by Bessula
This lovely image was found on the Flickr in a group that is well worth visiting: In the Memorie's Book. At our November 3rd meeting I will discuss my main source of great Flickr photostreams and groups. Here's a hint: Jamie's photostream.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Bad!

"A thousand pardons, Effendi". As I was trying to think of way to apologize for sending an e-mail directing you to this blog for information about our upcoming meeting on Wednesday November 3rd, this phrase popped into my head and I have no idea why or its relevance. It's probably something I heard in one of those 1930s and 1940s movies I used to watch incessantly when my family got our first TV in around 1950. In addition to effendi, I also recall and liked the words sahib and bwana, but, unfortunately, it really isn't appropriate to use them these days. Anyway, sorry about the screw-up.

So, let's get to it:
  • First and foremost, there will be a WWIG meeting on Wednesday November 3rd at 6:30pm at our home (N2207 Pammel Pass W. in Bridal Coulee. Call 608-788-1812 for directions or any other questions). We will follow the usual format with a Social Hour beginning at 6:30. Jennifer Bucheit has kindly agreed to help with refreshments.
  • This promises to be perhaps our best meeting ever.Here's why: the main speaker will be John Zoerb who has very graciously agreed to address the somewhat thorny issue of the role of competition in Photography. Recently John spoke at the La Crosse Cameral Club describing the judging process for those who want to be judges as well as those who submit photos for the Club's monthly competition. There can't be a more appropriate person to give this talk for, as you all probably know, John has been judging photographs for decades and has had incredible success as a contestant. Yet, there are those who question the validity of competition  in creative Arts-- me included-- so I asked John if he would address this contentious issue for our group and especially explain the benefits. It will be very surprising if this presentation doesn't ignite spirited discussion. I am, therefore, keeping the meeting agenda light in order to allow plenty of time for members to exchange their views.
  • If there is time, I will briefly describe a simple solution that I came up with for a way to switch from looking through a camera's viewfinder to viewing the top and back LCDs for photographers of a certain age who have presbyopia. This can be seriously annoying for those who need to use bifocals. I have a pretty good way to help.
  • Topic of the Month. Remember the topic is Gesture. At the time I chose this topic, it seemed like a winner, but much less so now. I don't have anything to show and I'm getting desperate. Be assured that there will be enormous latitude in defining the concept of gesture. Please submit your images as a print or in digital form. Digital submissions should be by e-mail sent to me at bannis4@centurytel.net. If you aren't sure how to send your images please scroll down to my prior post about this (September 30, 2010).
  • Open Mike. Once again I encourage members to bring prints to share with the group or send digital images for projections. We are tentatively planning another display of our member's work at the La Crosse Public Library in 2011 and it isn't too early to start accumulating prints to hang. As before, let me encourage you to consider bring problem images as well as your gems. It is my opinion that there are several reasons for showing our work in an open forum: to delight our friends, to inform and instruct our fellow photographers, to garner advice and assistance from our peers among others.
  • Finally, I hope to be able to announce a very exciting event that I am trying to arrange for early next year. Remember that we will not have meetings in December and January, so please try to attend this one and get your "photography fix" to carry you through the cusp of the dark winter months.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Photo on the Masthead

So... it's back to blogging. In preparation for a series of posts prior to our upcoming meeting (November 3rd, but more about that later) I have inserted a new image. In August my brother Mel and his partner  Pat Cornett visited La Crosse and did a lot of photography throughout the Driftless Region. They spent the better part of a day in the Cashton area and produced some exquisit work. This is my favorite. You can see more by visiting their website Annis Cornett Photography.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Road Trip

This is just a quick post to let you know that I am in the midst of our Circle Lake Superior Photo Tour and that this will, in all likelyhood be the only blog entry that I will make. I really appreciate Jamie's comments and hope that other members will post so that there is a  reason to visit this blog frequently. Best regards to all of you.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanks for the meeting...

I just wanted to say that I thought that this last months meeting was one of the best ever!  It was filled with information and inspiration and thought provoking questions and discussion. I came across a quote that I wanted to share.  I thought it was somewhat appropriate in this age of ever-changing technology. 

"Technique must serve inspiration"  -unknown

It's the images that come first from my imagination that I am always most proud of.  What do you think?


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recommended Web Sites for Viewing Great Images

I was going to present these websites at our October 6th meeting but I've already go way more material than I can get to in the time allotted, so instead I'll list the links here. If you enjoy looking a images, you will really have a wonderful experience when you peruse some of the fantastic work you can find drifting around the internet. Incidently Flickr is a good place to start. This is  how I found these.
Vision Quality GroupFlickriver,   Hubble Image Archive, and finally one that isn't pretty but fascinating to anyone interested in the photography of urban decay dETROITfunk.

WWIG October Meeting ~ PROGRAM

Welcome to the October 2010 meeting of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group. Here is this evening's program:


  • Ron Reimer
  • Ben Stern
  • Byron Annis
  • November Presentations (?)
  • Topic of the Month: Gesture

  • La Crosse Public Library display August, 2011
  • Jamie Heiden-- Driftless Area Art Festival
  • Update of e-mail addresses and phone numbers

  • Topic of the Month-- Saturday October 2nd, 11:00am
  • Other

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Denver Post Plog

Perhaps this is what you will see and photography at 11:00am today when you obtain your image for Topic of the Month.

This image was one of 32 in a gallery, Pictures of the Week: September 30, 2010,  posted on the  Denver Post Plog. Check it out. It appears that they don't post every week but when they do the photos are fantastic examples of the best in photojouralism. This is not the first time I've encountered the Denver Post Plog-- somebody at this newspaper obviously has a love affair with Photography. I'm bookmarking this site!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Submitting Digital Images

A month ago I had proposed that we use Flickr as a conduit for collecting and showing digital images at our meetings. There doesn't seem to be much interest in doing so and on further reflection I had one of those "on the road to Damascus" insights. I realized that there is a much simpler way to gather the images. Rather than asking members to upload to a site that introduces complexity (user names, passwords, security and intellectual property issues, etc.) you can just send the images to me by e-mail. My e-mail address is bannis4@centurytel.net.

The guidelines for submission will be pretty simple and probably not much different than you have done for other sites.
  • file extension-- jpg
  • resolution-- 72ppi
  • size-- 1200 pixels for width or height, which ever is the largest dimension.
  • naming the image-- please use your last name, name of image, number in the order you want them shown (if multiple images sent), file extension. Example: smith_sunset_1.jpg
Please remember that I will accept images on flash drives, CDs and DVDs at the October meeting, but in the future digital images will have to be submitted via e-mail. This will make things move much more smoothly at our meetings and be helpful to the meeting organizer. Thanks,

More About October WWIG Meeting

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: I am very please to let you know that Ben Stern has accepted my invitation to give a series of tutorials at upcoming meetings about 2 important topics: How to Construct a Photo Gallery Web Site and How to Do Slide Shows. At the October meeting Ben will introduce each topic giving us a brief overview. He will describe the software that he favors, so that those interested in doing so can obtain the software in order to work along with him as he presents these topics in much more detail at future meetings. I, for one, am very eager to learn how to get a website up and running and to be able to prepare decent slide show presentations and look forward to Ben's instruction

APOLOGY AND CLARIFICATION : At the last meeting I discussed upcoming Topic of Month assignments. It was suggested that the October topic would be gesture but then when it came time to make a final decision I forgot that I had done so. Sorry if this has created confusion. The October Topic of the Month is a photo taken on Saturday October 2nd at 11:00am wherever you are and whatever you are doing (backup, if you forget or if circumstances don't allow, is Monday October 4th at 1:00pm).

COMMENTS: When you visit this blog please remember to see if comments have been posted and, if they have, to read them. Thank you very much to those who have taken the time to enter comments. Jim Terman wrote one to the previous post which will be of interest to everyone using conventional film techniques.

MEETING AGENDA: As done before the last meeting, I plan to post the agenda here. I hope to get started tomorrow, but understand that this will be a work in progress and changes may be made up until 6:29pm on the night of the meeting. Sorry if, in the unlikely event, anyone objects but the host reserves this prerogative.

LIBRARY PRINT EXHIBIT: I asked John Zoerb if there had been any feedback from the La Crosse Public Library staff about our display of prints there in August. Pat Boge who apparently administers the displays was very pleased and asked if we would be willing to do so again next year. John has graciously agreed to once again curate and hang the exhibit if we decide to accept the invitation.  Please let us know if you are in favor of doing so by participating in the poll which you will find in the column on the right side of your screen.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

WWIG October Meeting

The next meeting of the WWIG will be on Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 6:30pm at my home (N2207 Pammel Pass W.) The usual format will be followed. We'll start with a social hour at 6:30-- with refreshments by Susann Annis and an opportunity for leisurely review of prints brought by members. Next Ron Reimer will be speaking and moderating a discussion. I will give a brief presentation and demo on Micro Four-Thirds Digital Cameras. I hope to have one more person do an introductory talk about a couple of complex problems that I would like to explore in detail in future meetings-- more information about this later. Finally, there will be an Open Mike for presentation of prints and digital images. 

FUTURE PLANS:  I had previously asked Bob Hurt to speak at our November meeting and he kindly agreed to do so. Recently, however, I suggested that we put this off until Spring because some of us did see his quite remarkable slide show at the N4C meeting last week.

TOPIC OF THE MONTH/ OCTOBER:  I'm sorry to give you this assignment on such short notice but, because members have enjoyed this exercise in the past, I do want to go ahead as planned. The topic/assignment is to take a photo at 11:00 am on Saturday October 2nd-- no matter where or of what. If  you absolutely can't go ahead and take your photo at the backup time of 1:00 pm  on Monday October 4th. I don't know about you, but I have no idea of what the results will be, either for myself or the group. Obviously the more participants the better the resulting display. Finally, there is this: One of my goals as a photographer is to be rigorous about having a camera with me at all times-- something I very rarely do even though hardly a day goes by that I don't regret when I encounter  potentially terrific shot. This topic is an exercise that can help remind us of the possibilities of photo serendipity.

I've got to go. More later. Please come back to this blog for updates.

Friday, September 17, 2010


On Sunday September 17th Susann and I will be spending the day at my land in Crawford County. Eric Thomson and his partner Beth Schaldach will be joining us. We do plan to mosey on over to The Driftless Area Arts Festival to take a gander. The event's website has samples from each of the artists and the photographs on offer seem very good. Our own Jamie Heiden will be among them. If any of you would like to visit our land or see the yurt that has been erected and is finally habitable, please let me know and I'll give you directions. We'd be very pleased to see you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This and That

Jamie Heiden has posted several new images on her Flickr site http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamieheiden/. These are, in my opinion, sublime. Do yourself a favor and check out her collection.

Do you experience a warm, fuzzy Kumbaiya moment when you peceive that you are part of an international colleaguium of photographic artists. This video is a reminder that any jerk can buy a SLR with flash attachment and call him/herself a member of the photojournalistic community. Click here for is a frightening example of some of these vermin paparazzi in action:

Here are 2 stunning videos from YouTube. This one is a 1922 test of Kodachrome. It is quite remarkable.
And finally, the winner of The Mobius Kodak Cimamaphotography Award for Television. This is a really fantastic marriage of technical mastery and creativity.


Another Great Photoblog


I discovered some really great images on a photoblog called Last Flight Out Photography which is by Scotty Graham, a long time resident of Indonesia. Along with a fabulous underwater image  he posts "I'm headed back to Raja Ampat [in Papua] in October...still looking for two more people to join me...wanna come?"  Wouldn't it be great to have a couple of our members join up? Do It!

Check out all of his images! The HDR may not be to everyone's taste (I'm withholding comment) but I found the overall effect to be awesome. Also click the link to his personal blog which has lots more to see.

Friday, September 10, 2010

HDR Poll

This image, a photograph of Parliament taken recently and posted my current favorite photoblog Stuck in Customs, is, in many ways, very compelling. However, on viewing it I felt almost certain that HDR technique had been applied and I found the result off-putting. What do you think? Let me know by responding to the poll posted in the left-hand column. Use of Photomatix software for HDR is confirmed by the blog author/ photographer's response to a question in the comments section. Your comments will be very much appreciated.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let's Try Something New for Our Meeting on 2Sept2010

  • Guest speaker for November
  • Preview October Equipment Review
  • Preview Presentation for October
  • Address Update
  • Topic of the Month--  Hats, Emerging Spring (Fall), Repetition, Letters, Neon, Happy Ever After, Wheels, People (Men and/or Women)  at Work, Sept 25, 2010 11:00am, Monumentalism, Musicians, Ruins, Birds, Wild Flowers, Night Photography, Blue, Gesture 

Image Review and Discussion

Monday, August 30, 2010

For your viewing enjoyment

Here is an image that I found I can't remember where on the Internet. Posted  because... well just because I really like it.

Worldwide Photowalk 2010 Winners

This one won The People's Choice Award.
This is the image that was officially chosen as Best In Show. Personally I don't get it, but as we are constantly reminded the concept of "best" is nebulouos there is really no objective way to choose.
And here is the La Crosse People's Choice Award Winner. Congratulations Eileen Peterson!


WWIG September Meeting

I'm sure that you are familiar with the phrase "the dog days of August" and, more to the point, the concept. Well for me if the days recently have been dogs, they are not cute little puppies or loyal companions but sort of combinations of vicious Doberman, howling Rottweiler, and snarling Bull Mastiff. My apologies to anyone who actually cares about the lateness of this information and the tasks that I haven't completed in time for the meeting (I, for one, do care but let's not belabor the issue).

There will be a meeting on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2nd at 6:30 pm at my home ( N2207 Pammel Pass W. in Bridal Coulee)
Meeting Schedule (which is flexible and can be adapted at the will of the people-- if nothing else the WWIG is democracy in action!)
6:30-7:00  Social Hour and informal viewing of prints. Please do bring prints to show to your friends and colleagues. Refreshment provided by Susann Annis (the pastry maker formerly known as "The Queen of Cheesecake").
7:00-8:00  Presentations by Jennifer Bucheit, Jamie Heiden, Byron Annis and Scott Kelby
8:00-9:00  Open discussion-- give and take encouraged-- of Topic of the Month images, the prints and digital images that were brought to the meeting, as well as techniques, gear, places to shoot, and recent trips and anything else that anyone wants to discuss. Remember, the Topic of the Month is Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be.
A note about digital images: Use of our Flickr Group is not ready for prime time, although we are almost there. If you are bringing digital images, please put them on a flash drive and make sure that they are clearly labeled. PC based please.  I don't care about the format you use but it should be easy to identify. Here is an example of how I would do it. Make a folder and label it WWIG Sept. For the image files something like this smith_greatphoto1.jpg works just fine. We will no longer be using a digital projector. The images will be displayed on a large screen HDTV. Color accuracy is very close to what we see on the monitor and is a significant improvement. Although we all enjoy seeing your finished masterworks, there is much to be gained  -- for you and your fellow photographers-- when you bring problem images for discussion.
Finally at this meeting I want to update our membership list and confirm email addresses and phone numbers, select future topics of the month, and let you know about our October special guest speaker. Beyond this there will be no business meeting, and, as always, no dues... no officers, no committees, and no competition.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

St Rose Convent

Larry Lindesmith posted this image on the La Crosse Photowalk 2010 Flickr site along with several others that he took during our visit to St. Rose Convent prior to the actual Photowalk.What an outstanding photograph! I'd love to see it printed really big-- how about 17 by 22inches or even larger.

Message from Wisconsin Digital Forum Group

This message was forwarded by Owen Johnson, President of the La Crosse Camera Club and might be of interest to some of our members. I would attend this meeting but can't because I'm having surgery that day. I am going to try to attend one of their subsequent meetings however to find out what this club is all  about:

Wisconsin Digital Forum Group
Hi Everyone....Hope you have all had a great summer....Fall is just around the corner.....and it's time for our monthly Digital Forum meetings to begin. Our first meeting of the season will be Wednesday, Sep. 8th
Jeff will be giving us the "what's new with CS 5"  7:00PM
Menomonee Falls Library 
6 N8436 Pilgrim Rd.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

The Wisconsin Digital Forum Group is hosted by Jeff Klug & Lynne Rieger.

 We are in the constant process of updating our e-mail address list.... If you know of anyone interested in attending who in the past has not been receiving the e-mails but has not received this one..... please e-mail me or have them e-mail me with their name & e-mail.

There is lots of space at this location, so please feel free to invite any friends, family, photo club members, etc. that are interested in the challenges of digital photography.
We are looking for a couple of additional instructors to present programs this season. If you are, or know someone who would interested in presenting a program, kindly contact Jeff at kpw1255@aol.com.
ALSO....Jeff and Lynne are always looking for suggestions for topics suitable for discussion at these digital forums. Your thoughts, opinions and suggestions are very much appreciated.
Geri Laehn
Wisconsin Digital Forum Group
sponsored by WACCO (Wisconsin Area Camera Club Org.)

Angkor Wat

Photos of Angkor Wat at sunrise like this one have been done about a half a gazillion times, but this image has something special. I did a search on Flickr for Angkor Wat and saw that there were over 460,000 images. My rough estimate is that about 20-25% were essentially the same as this one. I've been thinking about why this shot stands out and have formed some opinions. I'd be interested to know if any of you, dear readers, think that this image is special and have ideas about what separates  it from the  pack.

If you would like to see a collection of exceptional photos from the larger Angkor temple complex visit Stuck in Customs (see link in column on the left). I was at Angkor in 1988 when it was something of a big deal-- and actually forbidden to US citizens. Apparently now it has become something of a Khmer theme park, but still, I wish I could  return.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WWIG PhotoExchange on FLICKR

The WWIG now has a Group on Flickr WWIG PhotoExchange. It is, at the moment, a work in progress, but it is hope that it will be functional before our next meeting on Thursday September 2nd and that members wishing to submit digital images for presentation at the meeting will be able to do so. More as new developements occur. By the way, I have tentatively lined up a speaker for our November meeting and I think that you will be  pleased with the guest. Finally, I am hoping  to use an up-to-date HDTV to display your images and Powerpoint presentations at the next meeting. This should be an improvement over the digital projector used previously, which proved to be very unsatisfactory (I never figured out how to do color calibration and couldn't adaquately control contrast and brightness either). I am committed to getting the images displayed properly and will keep working on it until I do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Worksite I Envy.

This is Leo Laporte, a well known tech guy and longstanding presence on the Internet, cable TV, and radio. The photo, by the way, was obtained on the terrific blog Stuck in Customs (see prior post for link) and is an HDR image. I especially admire it because it is not at all obvious that HDR was used. I presume it was selected because the non HDR that came from the camera was problematic. This is something that Scott Kelby posted on his blog on this subject a while ago: "I too use [sic] to love [HDR]…now, not so much…and for some reason, once I quickly identify the HDR effect, my opinion of the picture drops a notch."  I am very committed to HDR but like Kelby if the effect is obvious my opinion drops, but in my case a lot more than a notch.

Two Photo Competition Websites

For those of you who would like to participate in photo challenging photography contests I suggest that you check out these 2 very well organized and presented online photo contests:
  1. DPChallange
  2. Digital Image Cafe
If any WWIG members start to participate in the contests featured in either of these sites, I'd very much like to know about your experience. I have the impression that both would entail a good deal of work but would be quite instructive and rewarding.

Real Photos That Look Fake

If you Google "Real Photos That Look Fake" you will come accross many sites where such photos are collected from the Internet and posted. they are quite redundant. This one:  http://www.kdvr.com/news/kdvr-cool-photos-pg,0,2713292.photogallery is the most complete with 166 images. Many, if not most, are pretty lame but there are some that are clever or in other ways interesting.

A question regarding the concept of "an Original".

Hi All,

I, Jamie Heiden, am looking for some input.  I have been asked often where my "Original" is?  In other words, I have customers who are looking to purchase a piece but rather than the piece being one of a numbered limited edition, they would like to purchase the original.  I can easily define this concept of "the original" when dealing with watercolors or oil painting or even traditional darkroom printing but when it concerns digital imaging I have difficulty.  In darkroom printing the original is produced using the development process and then prints are made another way.  So, one could have the original on photographic paper printed in the darkroom and the limited edition prints produced via scanning into the computer and printing with the Giclee process.

 Can digital imaging have an original?  Could I label an original one that is printed or presented differently -for example, an image that is printed larger and varnished and framed without glass as opposed to printed, matted and framed under glass (like all of my limited edition series would be)?

This may be a question better asked in person because it can get a bit confusing... but if any of you have any input now, I would appreciate it. 

Thanks,  Jamie

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Future of the WWIG blog

I enjoy some aspects of maintaining this blog and wish that I could make daily entries to it. Frankly, the long intervals between posts is really hampering the quality of this endeavor. Visiting the blog would be a lot more rewarding for all of  us if there would be more of a reason to stop by regularly. I have previously pleaded, cajoled, and whined in asking WWIG members to post entries or comments but, let's be honest, there hasn't been much of a  response. It is realized that making entries and comments is cumbersome, but I have posted directions on how to do it and offered to demonstrate the process to anyone who needs the help (see July 13, 2010 post).

So, it is now time for the nuclear option. I'm have posted poll to see if there is sufficient interest in continuing this blog (see Poll at the top of the  column on the right). If there is, I am going to insist that other members share in the joys of posting. If we can't get a regular rhythm established, I'd rather let this blog wither on the vine than continue a half-hearted performance.

Please do respond to the poll. Comment here, e-mail or call me if you have questions or comments that you don't want to make public.


A Highly Recommended Blog

As you probably have noticed I have done some housekeeping on this blog. There is a new and improved graphic appearance, the image in the header has been changed and will be rotated on a more or less monthly basis, and I have begun to update the list of links to recommended photography blogs. Click here to link to today's entry Stuck in Customs-- a blog by This is a remarkably rich blog though not without some flaws-- mostly a result of the authors hyperactive style and self-promotion as well as his blatant commercialism, which I can't really blame him. I've spent a good deal of time here and still haven't seen everything it has to offer. I particularly appreciate that he posts a picture every day along with the text. The image above is from his very long list of images he has found on the web (see Things That Inspire Me), a collection of very interesting images some of them quite bizarre. I happen to share many of his tastes, especially images that really bend the curve (as well as the music of David Darling-- who knew that anyone else in the world does so?

An Interesting Treatment of Clouds

Ferrell McCollough is the author of what I consider to be an exceptionally good book about HDR (a venue that has become very crowded). I occasionally visit his blog Before the Coffee -- he posts infrequently-- and was quite taken with this photo, especially the treatment of the clouds.

This is his exclamation of how he achieved the effect:
"A simple composition along the Atlantic coast on a windy stormy day. The sand was blowing so heavily it created the appearance of fog as it whisked along the beach. I wanted to capture the look but wasn’t able, it was too subtle. This is an HDRB&W."


Jim Terman recently sent these comments about our display at the La Crosse Public Library:
Congratulations to the assemblers and hangers of the WWIG exhibit at the La Crosse Public Library. Nicely done (see attached).
Jim Terman

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Film for Polaroid SX-70 Camera

Impossible, a Dutch company, has purchased all of the remaining remnants of the defunct Polaroid company and has begun manufacturing film to be used with Polaroid cameras which has not been available anywhere. They recently have introduced and made available for purchase color film which can be used with the SX-70 camera. Here is the announcement from the Impossible website (http://shop.the-impossible-project.com/shop/film/600/fi_sx70_3_px70_ff_triple):
PX 70 FF Color Shade Triple Pack We are proud to present the first Impossible color material in a First Flush Edition available in a 2+1 Starter Pack (three packs of 8 images each). Starter Pack because this is just the beginning of Impossible's colorful adventure ahead. 2+1 free pack to give you the chance to extensively give our first color films a shot and test them beyond their limits
This information will be of limited interest but I'm just saying...


Here are some updates and news you can use:
  • From Owen Johnson, President of the La Crosse Camera Club: Reminder: The deadline to enjoy the earlybird rate of $45 for our North Central Camera Club Council Convention in September is August 16. This event is open to all photographers - Camera Club membership is not required. Check out our convention website http://www.n4clacrosse2010.com/ for highlights and register in the coming week to save a few dollars.
  • The next meeting of the WWIG will be on Thursday September 2nd. More information to follow.
  • If you haven't already done so, check out the WWIG print display at the La Crosse Public Library. You will be impressed and pleased with the work of your WWIG friends and colleagues.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

WWIG Exhibit at LAX Public Library

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Our prints have been installed on the balcony at the La Crosse Public Library. And what an impressive collection of printed images it is. All of us owe a heartfelt thank you to John Zoerb for arranging this exhibit, selecting the prints and hanging them. If you have a chance, do stop by the Library and take a look at your own and your colleagues work. Kudos to the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group!  

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shameless Nepotism

Recently my brother, Mel Annis, and his partner, Pat Cornett, sent an e-mail to let me know that they had updated their website-- now an absolutely first-class web photo gallery. I was quite awestruck by the number of wonderful images, the  extent of their travels to obtain these photographs, and the remarkable quality of the website-- which is, in fact, exactly what I have been looking for without success. Take a tour of this terrific website and collection of photographs at http://www.annis-cornett-photos.com/.

Here are a couple of examples of their work that I like:


WWIG Exhibit at La Crosse Public Library.

As you know the deadline for submission of prints to be included with our exhibit at the La Crosse Public Library is August 1st. Because this date falls on a weekend day, John Zoerb has kindly extended the deadline 24 hours. Prints submitted after tomorrow's deadline cannot be added to the group selected for display.

Scheduling the September meeting is problematic for me. I would much prefer to have the meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month which is September 1, 2010 but I have to take my son and his family to the MSP airport that day. I am going have surgery in September and it is important for me to have it as early in the month as possible. Therefore I am asking that you indulge me and let me schedule the meeting for Thursday September 2, 2010.

Now for the photo topic for the September meeting. Do you remember when we all put suggestions on paper to be drawn out of a hat? I still have them and did just that this evening. Here is the result: Things That Are Not What They Seem. Frankly, I don't have any idea where to start with this one which actually will make it an intriguing, thought-provoking  problem to be solved. I'm looking forward to it and hope that  you will enjoy being really challenged.

I asked Jennifer Bucheit to give a brief presentation on a topic of her choice at the September meeting and she has graciously agreed to do so. I do intend to continue to solicit presentations for upcoming meetings-- be prepared to be asked. I'll be setting the entire meeting agenda soon and let you know it in more detail as we get closer to the time of the meeting.

Finally,let me remind you that the La Crosse Camera Club is hosting the NC4 annual convention here in La Crosse September 16-19, 2010. Please visit the website: http://www.n4clacrosse2010.com/ for lots of good information about the convention. The lineup of events looks really exciting and I am eagerly looking forward to being a part of the event.  By the way, Theresa Smerud will be one of the guest speakers and it is a source of pride that one of our own is being featured. It is a well deserved honor for Theresa.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The 2010 Photowalk is history. Thank you Carri Capanile for making our group welcome. There was also a supplemental photo shoot at St. Rose Convent as you know. Turnout was sparse, but for those of us there it was a rewarding opportunity.

Remember submission of prints for the WWIG display at the La Crosse Public Library must be done by Aug 1st. The prints should be taken to John Zoerb's home and placed in the special box he has in his garage or on the adjacent table. If you need help with this, call John or me.

I am going to do a bit of housekeeping with this blog. Although we still love Roger Grant, the picture of him in the header is getting a bit stale and I am going to change it. I plan to change to a new one every  month. If you have an impage that you would like to see heading up this blog, please send it to me.

There will not be a WWIG meeting in August.  I am over planned and over committed and do not have the time or energy to do what needs to be done for a successful meeting. However, unless there are unforeseen circumstances we will have one in September. Jennifer Bucheit has requested that we resume having a "topic of the month" and I agree that when we did it in the past it was fun and instructive. I'll let you know the topic soon. I also would like to start another activity at our meetings. I am going to ask members who attend to bring in a photograph (not there own) that they think is of particular interest for discussion by the group. We  can discuss what I have in mind in September and if others agree we will start doing so in October.

I am hoping to attract more new members. Please let me know if you have potentially interested friends and colleagues who might like to be part of our group.


Saturday, July 24, 2010


Jim Terman sent a message about a nature photography workshop to be given in Northern Minnesota in September. Jim Brandenburg will be the lead instructor. Click here to go to the website and get further details: http://jimbrandenburg.blogspot.com/2010/07/workshop-with-jim-brandenburg.html


Friday, July 23, 2010

Message from Carri Campanile, the La Crosse, WI United States Photo Walk Leader

Good morning, La Crosse Walkers!
I\'m really looking forward to tomorrow, and hope that you are excited as well. I just wanted to go over a couple of things before our walk.

While they\'ve predicted rain for tomorrow, it looks like it will most likely be in the morning with clear skies starting mid-day and lasting through the afternoon. I\'ll keep an eye on this and let you know if that changes.

I\'ve created a Flickr group where we can share all of our photos. The group is located here:http://www.flickr.com/groups_members.gne?id=1486835@N23 . There is also a Flickr group for the entire worldwide event located here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/wwpw3/. You\'ll need a Flickr account (which are free) to participate. Let me know if you have any questions about joining the groups.

To submit a picture for the post-walk contest, you will need to upload your selected image via the La Crosse PhotoWalk page. I will send you more information on how to do that after the walk is complete.

Several members of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group are participating in the walk and have also arranged for permission to photograph at St. Rose Convent from 2:30 to 3:30 before the walk and have invited other walkers to participate. If you\'d like more information, visit their blog at http://westernwisconsinimaginggroup.blogspot.com or email me.

Please let me know if you have any questions about tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you there!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Photography Guidelines for St. Rose Convent

It has been suggested that I post the guidelines for photographing the Mary of the Angels Chapel of St. Rose Convent which we will be visiting on July 24th in case anyone joining our group didn't get the e-mail. Here they are:

Please enter St. Rose Convent through the 701 Franciscan Way entrance. A receptionist will let you in and someone will meet you to escort you to the chapel. We ask that you respect the time allotted to you when permission to photograph was granted.

Photos taken inside the chapel are for your personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use of the image for display on personal websites, including social networking sites, and computers. Sharing the image via email is acceptable. The image may not be used in any commercial way (for which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration.) The image may not be used in advertising, resold, re-licensed or sub-licensed.

We welcome a disk of your photos or a link to your personal website, Flickr or other social networking site. If we use your photo in print or online materials you will receive photo credit. Disks can be mailed to FSPA Communications Office, 912 Market Street, La Crosse, WI, 54601 and links can be e-mailed to communications@fspa.org.

Special permission is required to shoot from the balcony and inside the Adoration Chapel. If you have not received special permission in advance please honor this guideline. If you’re unsure of your permissions, please contact the Director of Communications, Jane Comeau, at jcomeau@fspa.org or 608-791-5289.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Major Photography Convention in La Crosse

This message was forwarded by Jim Terman and will especially be of  interest to WWIG members who are not also members of the LCCC:

Photographers, Families & Friends
We would like to personally invite you to come to LaCrosse (or stay here) this fall for the 2010 N4C Photography Convention. We will be hosting this event at the Radisson Hotel on the shore of the Mississippi River from September 16th through the 19th.

The first night will feature a Mississippi Cruise with food, beverages and music. Friday’s events will include a photo tour on the Mississippi Explorer and a coach tour to Norskedalen and the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Raptors will be visiting the convention to have their pictures taken with Riverside Park and the Mississippi River in the background. The Clown Club will provide photo opportunities inside the Radisson. Speakers and presenters will include Darrell Gulin from Canon’s Explorer of Light Program , Steve Apps of the Wisconsin State Journal and local professional photographers Bob Hurt, Theresa Smerud and Al Stankevitz.

Of course there will be great food and other activities going on throughout the 4 day event.

Visit out website at www.n4clacrosse2010.com for convention activities and schedule. Early Bird Registration is $45 – Register by August 16. See our website for registration details.
Several members of the WWIG are members of the La Crosse Camera Club and, I'm sure, will be glad to answer your questions and help you with registration if needed.

Member's good work recognized

WWIG member Erik Thomsen's timely and thoughtful actions in recognizing an eaglet in distress and vulnerable to further calamity and helping with the bird's rescue were recently recognized by the local media. Here are excerpts from the story on the WKBT website:

        As Wisconsin's eagle population grows, so does the number of eagles found injured.One woman is working to make sure those injuries don't mean the end of life in the wild.A few nights ago, raptor rehabilitator and veterinarian Dr. Laura Johnson got a special delivery from the Wisconsin DNR. It was a 12 week old eaglet in desperate need of her help. I examined her the night Mike had dropped her off, and she was very very thin, emaciated, kind of weak, really really hungry and constantly vocalizing for food," says Johnson.
Erik Thomsen found the bird standing in the middle of the road near Ferryville.
"Thought the thing would get hit because it was on a pretty fast corner, so I put out some orange cones, and flagged down traffic," says Thomsen. He also contacted authorities who were able to get the bird to safety. "I walked up to it and just laid the blanket over the bird and collected it and secured the wings and the head. Of course the final concern would be the talons," say Mike Cross, a warden for the Wisconsin DNR.

Thanks to Thomsen, the bird has a second chance at life in the wild.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is Photography a Crime?

For quite a while stories of photographers being accosted, threatened and even arrested by law enforcement or being hassled by security guards have appeared with depressing regularity on the Internet. The problems, if anything, seem to be getting worse. There is an excellent article by Glenn Reynolds, who blogs at InstaPundit, and is Professor at the University of Tennessee Law School in the current issue of Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/how-to/computer-security/taking-photos-in-public-places-is-not-a-crime?click=main_sr). Here are a few salient points he makes:
  • Legally, it's pretty much always okay to take photos in a public place as long as you're not physically interfering with traffic or police operations. As Bert Krages, an attorney who specializes in photography-related legal problems and wrote Legal Handbook for Photographers, says, "The general rule is that if something is in a public place, you're entitled to photograph it." What's more, though national-security laws are often invoked when quashing photographers, Krages explains that "the Patriot Act does not restrict photography; neither does the Homeland Security Act."
  • As the examples above demonstrate, it's a problem that stems as much from cluelessness at the bottom of the chain of command as from heavy-handedness at the top. The officers who crack down on photographers no doubt believe they are protecting public safety. But evidence that photography might be useful to terrorists is slim. According to security expert Bruce Schneier, head of security technology for British Telecom, terrorists don't typically photograph targets in advance. "Look at the 9/11 attacks, the Moscow and London subway bombings, the Fort Hood shooting--no photos," he says. "I'm not seeing a whole lot of plots that hinge on photography." On his blog, Schneier advises: "If you're harassed, it's almost certainly a law enforcement official, public or private, acting way beyond his authority."
  • So what should you do if you're taking photos and a security guard or police officer approaches you and tells you to stop? First, be polite. Security people have tough jobs and probably mean well. Ask them what legal authority they have to make you stop. (If you're in a public place, like a street, a park, etc., they have none; if you're in a private place, such as a shopping mall, they may have a basis for banning pictures.) Krages advises those hassled by security guards to threaten to call law enforcement. If it's an actual police officer who's telling you to stop shooting, ask to speak to a superior. And remember--you never have a legal duty to delete pictures you've taken.

Worldwide Photowalk 2010 La Crosse

You all should have received an e-mail from me today about our opportunity to photography the Mary of the Angels Chapel at St. Rose Convent on Saturday July 24th from 2:30 to 3:30pm preceding the downtown Photowalk which will begin at 4:00pm in Riverside Park.

Jim Taylor and I met with PR Director Jane Comeau on Monday at the Convent and while there I took a couple  of snapshots which I hope will whet your appetite for this event. I didn't use a tripod for this photo but the ISO was set at 6200. When viewed at 100% in Photoshop there is a good deal of noise so I do recommend that you bring your tripod along. I took some photos with only natural light coming in through the windows and some (including this one) when the ceiling lights were turned on. I like the warmer color but was surprised that there wasn't all that much improvement in illumination. John Zoerb, Jim Taylor and Roger Grant have all had extensive experience shooting here and I think that any of these gentlemen would be amenable to giving you advice about what equipment you might want to have available.

This, of course is exterior of the Convent. What an architectural gem! There is a nicely landscaped  and maintained courtyard but not much of a garden to see. We will be entering the Convent at 2:30pm. You may wish to get started earlier with exterior shots.

If you plan to participate in the Photowalk please do come back to this blog for updates and if you haven't already registered please do so. I think that it would be helpful for Carri to know the number of attendees.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Jim Taylor and I have been in contact with Carri Campanile by e-mail and I have spoken with her by phone. We have been welcomed to join the official version of the Worldwide Photowalk 2010 here in La Crosse on Saturday July 24th. Please go to this website to sign up: http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/la-crosse-wi-united-states/

We hope to add an opportunity to shoot at St. Rose's Convent as well. I'll let you know if this is going to be possible as soon as I can. Finally, does anyone know if the members of the La Crosse Camera Club are aware of this opportunity to spend part of a summer afternoon with a very nice group of photographers taking pictures of some very photogenic parts of our city.

Please return here frequently duing the next week for updates.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I received this message from the Kelby organization today:
So it looks like we are good to go for Saturday July 24th. Any suggestions for our route? I will make arrangements for a place to meet and review the pics to follow the walk. I really would like to include St. Roses Convent in our shoot. Please check back here for more detailed information over the next couple of days.
Hi Byron,

I've approved you as a leader, but if you're able, I would try to avoid the same location of the other photo walk that's set up so there's no conflict.

Brad Moore


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vienna Student Photographs

Below is a link to a web site created to showcase some of the photographs done by Webster University- Vienna students.  The four week course was was comprised of mostly beginning students from several European and two African countries.  I taught the class for Webster / Vienna, my third summer course for the St Louis based university with several international campuses.  Here is the link:  Webster-Vienna Student Photographs 

Roger Grant

Worldwide Phot Walk-La Crosse

Information on the La Crosse walk can be found at:
La Crosse, WI United States | Worldwide Photo Walk
I see that Larry Lindesmith has signed on, and perhaps that's the way to get involved in this one.
Jim Taylor

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Wide Photo Walk

I, too, have e-mailed Carrie Campanile to request information about the Photo Walk. I see that there are only two applicants to her group. I have not received a reply, so it is my suggestion that we 'do the walk', even if we don't 'get the talk'. I'll be watching the BLOG for other comments and instructions. The Walk is only 8 days from today!
Jim Taylor

How to Post Messages and Comments

At our recent meeting I was asked by several members of the group to describe how to post messages and comments to this blog (again). Although it seems awkward it is really quite easy. I am sorry that you have to go through this rigmarole, but when I established the blog I couldn't figure out any work around. Larry Lindesmith has recommends a better alternative, Google Wave, which I will investigate in the near future. In the meantime:
  1. To access the WWIG blog (read only-- no posting or comments) use this URL http://westernwisconsinimaginggroup.blogspot.com/. I suggest that you bookmark the address so that  you can get on the site with only one click.
  2. To post messages and/or comments you must SIGN IN. To do so go to the upper right corner of the page and click "Sign In". Use this User Name wwig01@gmail.com and this Password wwig1234. At this point you should be signed in.
  3. Select the tab New Post and you will see the appropriate dialog. You are now good to go.
If you are having difficulties please feel free to call me for further help.