Thursday, September 30, 2010

Submitting Digital Images

A month ago I had proposed that we use Flickr as a conduit for collecting and showing digital images at our meetings. There doesn't seem to be much interest in doing so and on further reflection I had one of those "on the road to Damascus" insights. I realized that there is a much simpler way to gather the images. Rather than asking members to upload to a site that introduces complexity (user names, passwords, security and intellectual property issues, etc.) you can just send the images to me by e-mail. My e-mail address is

The guidelines for submission will be pretty simple and probably not much different than you have done for other sites.
  • file extension-- jpg
  • resolution-- 72ppi
  • size-- 1200 pixels for width or height, which ever is the largest dimension.
  • naming the image-- please use your last name, name of image, number in the order you want them shown (if multiple images sent), file extension. Example: smith_sunset_1.jpg
Please remember that I will accept images on flash drives, CDs and DVDs at the October meeting, but in the future digital images will have to be submitted via e-mail. This will make things move much more smoothly at our meetings and be helpful to the meeting organizer. Thanks,

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