Sunday, August 1, 2010

WWIG Exhibit at La Crosse Public Library.

As you know the deadline for submission of prints to be included with our exhibit at the La Crosse Public Library is August 1st. Because this date falls on a weekend day, John Zoerb has kindly extended the deadline 24 hours. Prints submitted after tomorrow's deadline cannot be added to the group selected for display.

Scheduling the September meeting is problematic for me. I would much prefer to have the meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month which is September 1, 2010 but I have to take my son and his family to the MSP airport that day. I am going have surgery in September and it is important for me to have it as early in the month as possible. Therefore I am asking that you indulge me and let me schedule the meeting for Thursday September 2, 2010.

Now for the photo topic for the September meeting. Do you remember when we all put suggestions on paper to be drawn out of a hat? I still have them and did just that this evening. Here is the result: Things That Are Not What They Seem. Frankly, I don't have any idea where to start with this one which actually will make it an intriguing, thought-provoking  problem to be solved. I'm looking forward to it and hope that  you will enjoy being really challenged.

I asked Jennifer Bucheit to give a brief presentation on a topic of her choice at the September meeting and she has graciously agreed to do so. I do intend to continue to solicit presentations for upcoming meetings-- be prepared to be asked. I'll be setting the entire meeting agenda soon and let you know it in more detail as we get closer to the time of the meeting.

Finally,let me remind you that the La Crosse Camera Club is hosting the NC4 annual convention here in La Crosse September 16-19, 2010. Please visit the website: for lots of good information about the convention. The lineup of events looks really exciting and I am eagerly looking forward to being a part of the event.  By the way, Theresa Smerud will be one of the guest speakers and it is a source of pride that one of our own is being featured. It is a well deserved honor for Theresa.

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