Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Wide Photo Walk

I, too, have e-mailed Carrie Campanile to request information about the Photo Walk. I see that there are only two applicants to her group. I have not received a reply, so it is my suggestion that we 'do the walk', even if we don't 'get the talk'. I'll be watching the BLOG for other comments and instructions. The Walk is only 8 days from today!
Jim Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Jim--
    Thanks for your help and suggestions. I did call NAPP and, of course I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone in authority but was asked to send an e-mail and assurred that it would be directed to the right person. Here is what I said: "I am the organizer of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group and in this capacity asked to lead a group here in La Crosse WI in the Worldwide Photowalk. My request was put on hold because the walk was granted to someone else apparently. I have sent a message to that person (Carri Campanile), searched for a website, and sought any other contact information to no avail. Now look, here's the problem: I have repeatedly told a group of about 15 people that there will be a Photowalk on July 24th but so far I have no assurance that preparations have been made and that it will actually take place. We can and, if necessary, will go ahead and do a Photowalk independently but I would much prefer that our group take part in the NAPP event. Can you help me?" These are the daily replies so far: 0 0 0.
    If the matter hasn't been fully resolved by Friday let's go ahead and do the necessary planning for our own independant walk. We won't be able to BUY an official tee shirt but I bet that we could have a lot of fun anyway.
