Friday, July 2, 2010

WWIG Upcoming Activities

Greetings everyone--
The Western Wisconsin Imaging Group is back online (for now). To get up-to-date I am posting a copy of the e-mail I sent to the members recently:

I have several announcements but not much time to send a comprehensive e-mail this evening. I'll be posting on the WWIG blog ( ) with further details over the next several days. However, let me briefly tell you what is in the works:

We will have a meeting in July! I have arbitrarily selected Wednesday July 7th. We will, however, not follow the usual format. I would like to show the video documentary Alfred Stieglitz: The Eloquent Eye. I have seen this film and it gave me more insight into a very important aspect of the historical development of photography than anything I have read or seen. I hope that those who choose to attend will be inclined to participate in discussion afterward. Because the video is 90 minutes, we will not do anything else at this meeting except for an intermission during which we can have the refreshments (Susann Annis is back from her travels, so they'll be good).

I am in the process of applying for our group and guests to participate in the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2010 which will take place on Saturday, July 24th. Go to this website for more information. John Zoerb and I will be laying out a route for the walk as soon as I get confirmation that our application has be accepted.

Finally, our group has been invited to display 18 prints at the La Crosse Public Library. I hope that all members will submit prints for consideration. If, we receive more than 18 printed images I will ask John to make the final selections. I feel that this should NOT be considered a competition but the images selected should reflect the varying photographic interests and considerable talent of our members. If any of you don't have access to a decent printer, do not hesitate to ask me to make my photo printers available.

I'll keep you all posted as plans finalize. If, in the meantime, you have questions, please feel free to e-mail or call me at any time.

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