Monday, October 10, 2011

Rick Sammon Workshop

After my whirlwind travels in Tel Aviv, Paris and Madrid I returned to La Crosse but stayed for only 3days before driving to Croton On Hudson, New York (about 40 miles north of the city of NY) to attend a Rick Sammon Workshop. The drive there was arduous. I had only 2 and a half days to get to my destination and it rained for almost the duration. It was my intention to make the return leg a leisurely jaunt on the back roads. However, because it once again was cold and raining and I was somewhat homesick, I stuck with the Interstates and only stopped for the night once. Next time I'll fly!

The workshop was terrific. Rick Sammon has an incredible energy level and seems to be in high output mode pretty much continuously. During the workshop, if he is talking he is almost certainly teaching. Our on site exercises covered areas that I really need help with-- use of the flash out of doors, portrait photography, and a terrific session introducing studio photography using off camera flash (a first time experience for me).
Rick offers lots of workshops and if you are looking for excellent opportunities to learn at some very attractive locations, give him consideration. This is an informative website: If you scroll down you will see an image of mine that Rick selected. It wasn't my favorite but, as you may know, my now defunct blog was called But, Then Again, What Do I Know.

For your interest this is our group photo and some shots from a studio session similar to the one in which I took part.

Rick Sammon explaining the technique and setting up the shot.
Everyone gets an opportunity to shoot.

I'll post some of my images from the workshop here or on my personal blog and you may see some prints at our next meeting.

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