Sunday, February 6, 2011

WWIG Meetings: Recent Past and Future

I hope that members who attended the WWIG meeting on February 2nd enjoyed it as much as I did. Special thanks to Larry Lindesmith for his presentation about photography at Gundersen/Lutheran. Also welcome to Marti Sullivan who came to the meeting and did mention that she plans to continue to attend. I intend to expand our membership and particularly hope to add members who are likely to attend meetings on a more or less regular basis, and who will be active participants. It is hoped that the showing of images as well as back and forth discussion of them will be the central activity of our meetings.

I would like to have more discussion of digital imaging including gear, software, digital techniques, workflow, etc., but recall that in the past a member did express an objection to these topics and I don't want to force my preferences on an uninterested group. Ergo, another poll! Look to column on the right and respond to let me know your wishes.

The interest in the February Topic of the Month was impressive and probably the best of any meeting yet. The images shown did confirm what I had suspected-- that there is probably no subject that is too trite or too much of a cliche that doesn't lend itself to fresh interpretation by a group of talented and engaged photographers. It is realized that the next Topic of the Month is going to be very challenging. I will be writing more about it on this blog in the coming days and posting some examples of what I am trying to encourage (but wasn't able to express in words very well at the last meeting).

I am almost certain that there will be a meeting on the 1st Wednesday of April. Whether there will be a meeting in March is up to others and I presume that if there is the host will be contacting the group by e-mail and perhaps this blog. As you may know I will be doing a workshop in Santa Fe and plan to return home by way of the deep South. The places I plan to visit put me in mind of Paul Simon's song Graceland:

The Mississippi delta was shining
Like a national guitar
I am following the river
Down the highway
Through the cradle of the civil war
I'm going to Graceland
In Memphis Tennessee
I'm going to Graceland
Poor boys and pilgrims with families
And we are going to Graceland

No, I don't plan to visit Graceland; I never have "gotten it" about the Elvis thing, but will be driving through and hopefully photographing the "cradle of the civil war". I recently purchased the AudioBook version of James McPhearson's Battlecry of Freedom and intend to listen to it on the homeward bound leg of my trip.

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