Hi Everyone--
I'm more or less on my way... on my quest to see America from ground level. Anyone who might be interested in follow my roadtrip adventure-- and possible misadventures-- is welcome to visit the blog that I have set up to document my journey. It can be accessed at http://byronannis.blogspot.com
The next meeting of the WWIG will be on April 6th and I have obtained at least one commitment from a non-member to speak about an interesting and pertinent topic for those who are interested in handling and displaying their prints.
Jackie Rand has made a really intriguing suggestion for a very worthwhile activity that I think many if not most members will enjoy and profit from. She suggested that an image be sent to all members well before each meeting. This image will be unaltered, exactly as it came out of the camera. The charge to the members will be for them to do whatever they think appropriate in the way of post-processing. I talked with Roger Grant and he was very enthusiastic about pursuing this and offered to supply the image for the next meeting.
More to follow-- at somewhat infrequent intervals. Stay tuned.
Jackie's idea sounds fun... safe travels!