Saturday, November 12, 2011


I purchased an iPhone yesterday and am in the process of setting it up. In doing so I accidentally screwed up the password setting for this website/blog. Unfortunately Mr. Google wouldn't let me re-enter the password that we have always used. I whined and begged and tried a couple of workarounds but he wouldn't relent, so I had to assign a new one. The process of accessing the blog is unchanged and the change in the sign in process involves only the password. So that we are all on the same page I'll repeat the relevant information here.

The URL remains unchanged:  To read the blog, look at the posted images, access the archives and link to the listed websites all you have to do is enter this address into your browser. It is suggested that you bookmark it so that one click will get you in.

To post entries or comments you do have to sign in. Just click "Sign In" in the upper right hand corner of the blog page and on the right side of the page you will see boxes for e-mail address and password.



The only change that has been made is in the 4 digits of the password-- from wwig1234 to wwig1111.

I regret that this occurred and hope that this post will clarify the situation. Please call or e-mail me if you encounter problems using the blog.

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