Monday, November 14, 2011

Images For Contemplation and Discussion

I had planned to post images that I find captivation this month, but decided to take a break when this last weekend I came across these 2. They, each in their own way, are very thought provoking and I hope that members of our group will find them interesting and be willing to comment about them. Today, I'll simply post the images but tomorrow I will make my comments about them. Please do respond by posting or commenting on the blog.

More tomorrow, including complete attribution. In the meantime, I'm eager to see what you think.


  1. I would say that without context I don't have much to say about these images. I'm a bit curious about the top one, so evidently sometimes pictures need some words to accompany them. Images that make it to my favorites list are able to tell a story on their own. But that's not the point of all photography so I will await more information here. :)

  2. I keep looking at the bottom photo and just can't figure out what the photographer wants me to look at.
