Monday, July 4, 2011

WWIG July Meeting

The next meeting of The Western Wisconsin Imaging Group is coming up in just 2 days-- on Wednesday July 6th. The meeting will be at our home (N2207 Pammel Pass W.) and will begin at 6:30pm. I will post the meeting program here tomorrow or Wednesday morning. I do have an number of items to bring up in advance of the meeting:
  • If you haven't already done so, please submit your images for The Topic of the Month and The Digital Challange by e-mail. If you can't send them this way, please call me so that we can make an alternative arrangement, but please do not bring them on a thumb drive or DVD because the time spent loading  and the frequent confusion can be disruptive to the flow of the meeting. Prints, of course, are welcomed and, in fact, encouraged. Also, please rename your images. At a minimum you should label them with your name. Ideally, the label will include the name of the image, and, if you want multiple images shown in sequence,  a number.
  • Please remember that our gallery display at the La Crosse Public Library will be in August and that if you would like to have your work included your prints must be submitted to John Zoerb before the end of this month. Once again, we will be able to hang 24 prints (framed or matted). You can submit as many as you like for consideration. John will be making the the selections. Be assured that this is not a contest and that our goal is to demonstrate the diversity of photographic talent within our group. If more convenient bring your prints to the meeting or to my home at any time and I will be sure that John gets them in a timely manner.
  • At  one of our earlier meetings I passed out a questionnaire and asked that the members present fill it out and return it to me. So far I've only receive 2 of them. Really folks, I know that you can do better. I did try to make the questions relevant and informative (at least to me) and not nearly as stupid as most of the questionnaires we are bombarded with. I am going to print up another batch and hand them out at the upcoming meeting and I would really appreciate a response from you-- if you find this objectionable, jot a few words saying so and send it to me but don't ignore the request.
  • I have tried to encourage discussion of photographic gear and digital hardware, software and technique at our meetings, but there seems to be almost no interest among the members in these topics. I am going to bring this up for discussion at the meeting and also do a poll on this blog and if my impression is correct these matters will be left behind.
  • E-mails. I am very reluctant to send out unsolicited e-mail but have continued to do so because there is no way of knowing who does and doesn't use this blog to get information about meetings and other activities of The WWIG. I've considered using Facebook, but don't see how that would offer any advantage (let me know if you think otherwise). In order to lighten your e-mail burden, from now on I will no longer include any messages in the body of the e-mails sent other than the link to this blog-- click on it if you want to get the information that I think is worth your attention. Also, to let you know that the absence of text in the body isn't an error, the subject line will contain the abbreviation EOM (end of message). In my e-mails, I usually ask recipients who are uninterested to let me know so that their names can be removed from the list. So far no one has done so, but some people have indicated that they wish to be included in our group but never come to meetings. I am going to stop asking, but will start removing names of non-participants from the distribution list. If I do so in error, please call me. Finally, please know that my e-mail contact list (Windows Live) is wildly unstable; names do sometimes disappear and other weird things happen. Sincere apologies to anyone who has as a result be snubbed. Please do contact me if any mistakes in communication have been made.
  • Finally, our last meeting was, in my opinion, our best ever. The WWIG is on a roll. Let's try to keep it going! It is hoped that you will be able to attend the meeting on Wednesday. In the meantime send digital images for the Challenge,Topic of the Month or the Open Mike and, even better, bring prints if you have them.

Best wishes to everyone,

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