Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WWIG ~ Next Meeting June 1, 2011

The next meeting of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group will be at 6:30pm on June 1, 2011 at our home (N2207 Pammel Pass West).

I have inserted this photo for two reasons: first, to introduce you to a series of pictures that I took at the formal wedding ceremony of my son Charles Annis and Kaori Yoshijima on May 2nd and, second, to show you that I need a lot of help with location lighting for portrait photography. The problem with this photo is quite obvious and annoying-- the dark shadow across Kaori's forehead  and eyes.  Is any help available? Well, glad I mentioned it... because this is an issue that Roger Grant will be addressing in his presentation at the upcoming meeting.

I am happy to tell you that Roger Grant has kindly consented to discuss Portrait Photography and at the upcoming meeting he will do his initial presentation entitled Available Light Location Photography. Roger has asked that everyone BRING A CAMERA. I will show a short video featuring  the work of Joe McNally and just a couple of short segments of his long instructional DVD on location lighting with small strobes.          

Today I discovered that the WWIG e-mail contact list I maintain in Windows Live has morphed and that several names have inexplicably been dropped out. I am concerned that some of you may not have received the Digital Challenge image that Roger sent out. I am posting here and if you would like a higher resolution copy please e-mail or call  me (788-1812).

Here are some further meeting reminders. The Topic of the Month is Barns. Please do submit questions for the "Ask the Experts" Segment. By the way, are you wondering how the experts are? That would be anyone who who feels that they can answer the question being asked. Finally, we have the "Show and Tell" --an opportunity to show interesting gear, techniques, books, etc and the presentation of prints and digital images, what I have been calling the "Open Mike" segment. Send your queries and digital images to me by email (bannis4@centurytel.net) and I will post the questions on this blog as well as having your images ready for projection at the meeting. Incidentally, if you have trouble e-mailing your images call me and I will be happy to assist you.

Please indulge me for a moment and let me remind you once again that the success of our meetings and the future of our group depends on the active participation of all the members.

I hope to post fairly frequently on this blog during the next week. Please come back often to stay in touch.

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