Monday, May 30, 2011

More about the June 1st WWIG meeting

I have posted photos that I have found on the Internet that impress me in the posts I make in the run-up to the meeting. This one is stunning. Once again from Trey Ratcliff's blog Stuck in Customs. This photo was taken on the Li River in China. I assume that he used HDR because he almost always does and it looks to be the case here. This is also an example of his texture work.

We haven't had any questions for the Ask The Expert segment which is amazing. I do have a question and look forward to hearing what the experts have to say. Here is the question: how do prime lenses differ from macro lenses? Is a prime lens combined with extension tube or teleconverter work in the same way as a macro?

I am offering a camera for sale. I don't plan to discuss it at the meeting but will have the camera and lenses on display and a spec. sheet for anyone interested. On offer will be a Nikon D300 with a Nikkor 18-200mm lens as well as a Tamron wide angle lens, a Sigma 50mm prime lens, Sigma 70 to 400mm zoom lens.

Now that you have been exposed to shameless mercantilism let me tell you some very interesting camera news from the collector community.

Leica was the first to introduce a 35mm film camera with interchangeable lenses. Prototypes were made as early as 1913. This camera, the 'O' was made to test the market before introducing the Leica A in 1925. 31 were manufactured and sold in 1923. The camera pictured here recently sold at auction for $1,890,000. The Nikon that I want to sell looks a hell of lot better and will be going for somewhat
More tomorrow.

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