Monday, March 21, 2011

Next WWIG Meeting: April 6, 2011

The next meeting of the WWIG will be on April 6th at 6:30 pm at our home (N2207 Pammel Pass W.). I will be posting relevant information about the meeting, including the program,  in subsequent posts and suggest that you check in from time  to time. I anticipate a particularly good meeting and hope that members will make a special effort to attend, especially because it is unlikely that we will be able to meet on a regular monthly basis for the rest of the year as I am locked into several trips that will take me away from La Crosse.

Topic of the Month: These images, scammed from the  Internet, are posted as a  reminder of the topic-- pictures that cause one to hear music when seen. (I often use the phrase "the mind's eye" and find it a useful concept. Is there such a thing as "the mind's ear"? If not, there should be.).

Jim Taylor has sent is images and they perfectly fit the topic (thanks, Jim). How about you?

The Digital Challenge:
Roger Grant will be choosing the images, sending them to members, and commenting on the submissions, but Roger may not be able to attend the April meeting so I decided to get the ball rolling. Let's consider this a practice run to see how it works and determine if there are kinks that need to be ironed out. 

You can simply copy and work on this image which is not recommended, or you can e-mail me ( and I will send you a RAW image or a jpg. If you would like to do HDR I will send 3 exposures that can be used for this purpose.

Ask the expert: Who's the expert? We all are! Please post you questions on this blog or send them to me and I will post them.

Finally, I am going to once again make a plea for member participation. The success of our meetings and the organization itself is, in my opinion, directly related to the sharing of images and ideas by the membership. I've been quite productive recently and have lots of images available, but, frankly, I'd much rather see your work than mine. Even if you're not going to attend the meeting, you can send prints (give them to a colleague to bring) or digital images for display-- Jim Terman has sent both images and text which has confirmed how well this can work. Once again, let me remind you that you should consider showing problem images or outright failures-- it's how we learn. Also, how about sharing digital techniques, gear, or your insights about how to take photographs-- or what to avoid? Just send me an e-mail and you will get on the program. Please?

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