Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Alternative to Zip Drives for Sharing Images at Meetings; Philosophy

We spend too much time at meetings with technology hang-ups over hardware and software incompatibilities. I propose that we set up a group photo sharing site, e.g., Google Docs or even Flickr, where we can all post any digital images we care to share with the group at meetings. Whoever administrates the group (Byron?) could set up the group so that anyone can submit images to their own personal folder, no one can download others' work, and the images could remain private until Byron opens the files at the meeting, after which time they are deleted from the site, unless it is desireable to archive them for future reference. Any other thoughts on this?

I was a little disappointed in the lack of consideration given to the prints at last night's meeting in comparison with the opportunity that author's of projected digital images had to talk about their work. I hate to see  the exhibition of prints glossed over, for I believe truly that photography does not exist without the print! Monitor presentations are intermediary forms of display for convenience, ease of group presentation and economy, but let's not relegate the fine print to extinction. There is something about feeling that an image is worth printing that suggests that the artist thinks highly enough about it to give it a physical and material presence (and future), instead of allowing it to exist only virtually in cyberspace. Digital images are becoming so ubiquitous, with the ease and frequency with which they are being generated, that they become common, fleeting, and potentially boring,  rather than special. Opinions?

Ron Reimer

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ron,
    I like the idea of having a central location to post digital images before a meeting. A site that could then be accessed on-line for presentation during the meeting. This makes a lot of sense, and would save time as well.
