At our next meeting one of the things that I intend to explore about is the use and abuse of HDR. As you may recall I have been very enthusiastic about HDR, in fact so much so that I shot 5 images of almost every photo I take so that HDR can be used if called for. However, as I've gained more experience with the technique my goals have shifted. I prefer that in the final result the observer has no clue that the photo has been manipulated. The first 2 images are from a collection entitled 17Awesome HDR Shots and are great examples of what I am trying to acheive. They were found at a really remarkable Photography website . Rather than post a lenghty description and rave review I suggest that you click the link and check it out for yourself. The "Flu Bug" I include in the prior post (actually a Southern Yellow Jacket) is from a collection of fantastic macro photos of insects posted there as well.
Fially here is an example of an over the top HDR. Some digital imagers love producing images like this and it is generally known as The Illustrative Technique. I think that there are actually easier ways to acheive even better graphic images, which I may demonstrate if time permits at the next meeting.
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