I like the adage "never complain, never explain" (attributed to many including: Disraeli, Kathryn Hepburn, Henry Ford II, etc), but I don't often comply with this good guiding principle. I have been derelict in posting on this blog which is the primary site for communication among members of the WWIG. So... let me explain:
In October I purchased a new computer in order to have 64bit capability for Photoshop and other imaging work. This, of course, entailed upgrading to Windows 7. Subsequently I upgraded the OS on my fairly old non-imaging desktop to Windows 7 (32bit) and finally decided to purchase a new laptop for several reasons, not the least of which was a battery charging malfunction which would have required an expensive repair. The new laptop came with Windows 7. Converting 3 machines from XP to Win7, dealing with a number of frequently used legacy programs that are not supported by Win7, some fairly substantial backup issues, and converting many activities to "cloud computing" has been a daunting task. Do I regret these decisions? Not at all. But, nonetheless, this process has at times been very frustrating and incredibly time consuming. I am not quite done, but as they used to say during the Viet Nam era, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'll be damned if it doesn't look bright!
If anyone attending the April 5th meeting has questions about any aspects of the long and torturous path to more or less up-to-date home computing that I've been through, please don't hesitate to ask.