Once again, a plea for members to submit digital images or bring prints to share at the meeting. If you can't remember how to e-mail images please see the WWI Blog entry of September 30, 2010 for directions-- it is really very easy and please bear in mind participation and not perfection is the goal. The Topic of the Month, once again, is GESTURE (broadly interpreted).
The new feature for this meeting and for future meetings is
Ask the Experts: I can only speak for myself, but every time I pick up a camera, open Photoshop or shop for photo gear I have questions most of which I can't get answered with the resources I have readily available at home and I suspect that others in our group have had similar experiences. There is a wealth of expertise in our group which begs to be utilized, and our monthly meetings may be best forum for seeking advise (limited to photography, of course; try Ann Landers for personal issues). To make this work well, it is suggested that members who have queries submit them by posting to this blog so that the experts have an opportunity to contemplate their answers before the actual meeting.
To get the ball rolling here are a some of the questions I have:
- Currently I print all of my images on Epson Premium Luster Paper. What are the advantages of using matt paper, especially for B&W images and what specific papers would the experts-- and you know who you are-- recommend?
- Recently I opened the extended Brushes Panel in Photoshop CS5. I had trouble locating the brushes I had wanted to use and, even more vexing, had lots of difficulty returning to the default panel. Can anyone give a brief summary of how to negotiate the brushes panel where there seems to be an almost endless variety of options?
- Are there any aftermarket products available which protect the camera's LCD screen from damage?
This is all for now. More to follow today and tomorrow.