Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Bad!

"A thousand pardons, Effendi". As I was trying to think of way to apologize for sending an e-mail directing you to this blog for information about our upcoming meeting on Wednesday November 3rd, this phrase popped into my head and I have no idea why or its relevance. It's probably something I heard in one of those 1930s and 1940s movies I used to watch incessantly when my family got our first TV in around 1950. In addition to effendi, I also recall and liked the words sahib and bwana, but, unfortunately, it really isn't appropriate to use them these days. Anyway, sorry about the screw-up.

So, let's get to it:
  • First and foremost, there will be a WWIG meeting on Wednesday November 3rd at 6:30pm at our home (N2207 Pammel Pass W. in Bridal Coulee. Call 608-788-1812 for directions or any other questions). We will follow the usual format with a Social Hour beginning at 6:30. Jennifer Bucheit has kindly agreed to help with refreshments.
  • This promises to be perhaps our best meeting ever.Here's why: the main speaker will be John Zoerb who has very graciously agreed to address the somewhat thorny issue of the role of competition in Photography. Recently John spoke at the La Crosse Cameral Club describing the judging process for those who want to be judges as well as those who submit photos for the Club's monthly competition. There can't be a more appropriate person to give this talk for, as you all probably know, John has been judging photographs for decades and has had incredible success as a contestant. Yet, there are those who question the validity of competition  in creative Arts-- me included-- so I asked John if he would address this contentious issue for our group and especially explain the benefits. It will be very surprising if this presentation doesn't ignite spirited discussion. I am, therefore, keeping the meeting agenda light in order to allow plenty of time for members to exchange their views.
  • If there is time, I will briefly describe a simple solution that I came up with for a way to switch from looking through a camera's viewfinder to viewing the top and back LCDs for photographers of a certain age who have presbyopia. This can be seriously annoying for those who need to use bifocals. I have a pretty good way to help.
  • Topic of the Month. Remember the topic is Gesture. At the time I chose this topic, it seemed like a winner, but much less so now. I don't have anything to show and I'm getting desperate. Be assured that there will be enormous latitude in defining the concept of gesture. Please submit your images as a print or in digital form. Digital submissions should be by e-mail sent to me at If you aren't sure how to send your images please scroll down to my prior post about this (September 30, 2010).
  • Open Mike. Once again I encourage members to bring prints to share with the group or send digital images for projections. We are tentatively planning another display of our member's work at the La Crosse Public Library in 2011 and it isn't too early to start accumulating prints to hang. As before, let me encourage you to consider bring problem images as well as your gems. It is my opinion that there are several reasons for showing our work in an open forum: to delight our friends, to inform and instruct our fellow photographers, to garner advice and assistance from our peers among others.
  • Finally, I hope to be able to announce a very exciting event that I am trying to arrange for early next year. Remember that we will not have meetings in December and January, so please try to attend this one and get your "photography fix" to carry you through the cusp of the dark winter months.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Photo on the Masthead

So... it's back to blogging. In preparation for a series of posts prior to our upcoming meeting (November 3rd, but more about that later) I have inserted a new image. In August my brother Mel and his partner  Pat Cornett visited La Crosse and did a lot of photography throughout the Driftless Region. They spent the better part of a day in the Cashton area and produced some exquisit work. This is my favorite. You can see more by visiting their website Annis Cornett Photography.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Road Trip

This is just a quick post to let you know that I am in the midst of our Circle Lake Superior Photo Tour and that this will, in all likelyhood be the only blog entry that I will make. I really appreciate Jamie's comments and hope that other members will post so that there is a  reason to visit this blog frequently. Best regards to all of you.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanks for the meeting...

I just wanted to say that I thought that this last months meeting was one of the best ever!  It was filled with information and inspiration and thought provoking questions and discussion. I came across a quote that I wanted to share.  I thought it was somewhat appropriate in this age of ever-changing technology. 

"Technique must serve inspiration"  -unknown

It's the images that come first from my imagination that I am always most proud of.  What do you think?


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recommended Web Sites for Viewing Great Images

I was going to present these websites at our October 6th meeting but I've already go way more material than I can get to in the time allotted, so instead I'll list the links here. If you enjoy looking a images, you will really have a wonderful experience when you peruse some of the fantastic work you can find drifting around the internet. Incidently Flickr is a good place to start. This is  how I found these.
Vision Quality GroupFlickriver,   Hubble Image Archive, and finally one that isn't pretty but fascinating to anyone interested in the photography of urban decay dETROITfunk.

WWIG October Meeting ~ PROGRAM

Welcome to the October 2010 meeting of the Western Wisconsin Imaging Group. Here is this evening's program:


  • Ron Reimer
  • Ben Stern
  • Byron Annis
  • November Presentations (?)
  • Topic of the Month: Gesture

  • La Crosse Public Library display August, 2011
  • Jamie Heiden-- Driftless Area Art Festival
  • Update of e-mail addresses and phone numbers

  • Topic of the Month-- Saturday October 2nd, 11:00am
  • Other

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Denver Post Plog

Perhaps this is what you will see and photography at 11:00am today when you obtain your image for Topic of the Month.

This image was one of 32 in a gallery, Pictures of the Week: September 30, 2010,  posted on the  Denver Post Plog. Check it out. It appears that they don't post every week but when they do the photos are fantastic examples of the best in photojouralism. This is not the first time I've encountered the Denver Post Plog-- somebody at this newspaper obviously has a love affair with Photography. I'm bookmarking this site!